Amy Burke and Katie Miedler are Certified Interior Decorators and Home Stagers.
They have been members of the Association of Redesign and Staging Professionals (ARSP) since 2007.
Studied at the Sheffield School of Interior Design in NY, the Spaces School of Interior Redesign in NJ and have worked with a number of local Interior Designers and Home Stagers.
As Home Staging Experts, they have been invited to present information on Staging to local Real-Estate Agents and have taught classes at the South Orange / Maplewood Adult School.
Amy and Katie believe you don’t have to spend a lot of money to create a beautiful space. By combining essential furnishings with modern updates, they work with their clients to create beautiful rooms with positive energy.
“We’ve had a passion for decorating and design since we can recall.
We love decorating and most of all love how it makes you feel…
when you can look around and think, I love my home!
We truly believe your surroundings inspire you!”
~Amy & Katie